Pride 2021
What are a photographer’s responsibilities while photographing Pride? In the first set of images I shared (which Instagram has since taken down), I received criticism for misportrayal of the day.
I don’t think photojournalistic scrutiny applies to festivities as heavily documented as Pride. There are countless photographers taking optimistic pictures at the March and Washington Square Park. This is largely what Pride is about, and I’m grateful for all this coverage showing the beautiful progress of the LGBTQ community. It brings me so much joy to see.
Thanks to the sufficient amount of positive coverage, I feel comfortable spotlighting yesterday’s festivities from a more abstract perspective, documenting all that comes with celebrating joy and honoring pain. These images are a niche subsection of yesterday’s festivities. They are not intended to determine what Pride is or isn’t about.
P.S. If this wasn’t already abundantly clear, I have nothing but love and support for the LGBTQ community<3